In theater the saying is “the show must go on.” I don’t think that’s appropriate here, because our troupe has decided to cancel shows for the remainder of 2020 in an abundance of caution over the current pandemic.

But the show will go on.

HVBRIS has been performing together for 11 years, as of July. It’s hard to express how much we’ve missed being able to get together and perform for our audiences. All of our 2020 events have been postponed, and rightly so. That being said, we miss every one of you and hope to see your fire-lit faces as soon as we can in 2021.

A special thank you to our good friend, N, for a photo that is too perfect for words at the moment.

In the mean time? Enjoy this pass-the-flame video that we put together (thank you to Sprite and Apostle for managing and editing this whole thing) to remind you that we’re still out here thinking of you.
